četrtek, 3. julij 2014

Bibliography ”Impact and Outcome of Libraries” compiled by Roswitha Poll, Münster 2014

Dear colleague,


The update of the publication Bibliography ”Impact and Outcome of Libraries” compiled by Roswitha Poll, Münster 2014 is now available as PDF file on the website of the Statistics and Evaluation Section on http://www.ifla.org/publications/publications-associated-with-the-s-e-section


This update is noteworthy since the International Standard on impact assessment (ISO 16439: Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries) has been published recently after three years of intense work chaired by Roswitha Poll. Especially the sections “social impact”

(Chapter VI) and “financial value” (Chapter VIII) have increased considerately. Further,  a list of personal names has been added to facilitate the use of the bibliography.


We hope the bibliography will continue to be useful for all colleagues concerned with impact studies.


With best wishes


Markku Laitinen
Planning Officer
The National Library of Finland


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